Draw flowchart, write an algorithm and program in visual basic to select a company name, display the names in combo box.
Company Name: TVS, Hero Honda
After selecting the company name the list of corresponding vehicles Should be displayed in combo box.
Vehicle name: TVS-fiero, victor
: Hero Honda- Ambition,CBZ.
After selecting vehicle name the list of colors available and their rates should be displayed in combo box.
Colors: fiero- black, Red
: victor yellow , blue.
: Ambition black, silver.
: cbz Metallic & black
Price : fiero 50000 Rs.
Victor 45000 Rs.
Ambition 48000 Rs.
CBZ 52000 Rs.
Allow the user to select the bank. After selection the rate of interest should be displayed automatically
Rate of interest : ICICI: 9% HDFC: 9.4%
Allow the user to select the duration. Duration of installment 12,18,24 months.
Input down payment Calculate the balance amount , interest amount and EMI (equal months installments)
Dim dp As Integer
Dim emi, amt, roi As Single
Private Sub cboCompany_Click()
cboVehicle. ClearIf cboCompany.Text = "TVS" Then
cboVehicle.Addltem "Fiero" ,0
cboVehicle.Addltem "Vector", 1ElsecboVehicle.Addltem "Ambition",0
cboVehicle.AddItem "CBZ", 1 End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub cboVehicle_Click()
cboColor. ClearIf cboVehicle. Text = "Fiero" Then
cboColor.AddItem "Black", 0cboColor.AddItem "Red", 1txtPrice.Text = "50000"
Elself cboVehicle.Text = "Victor" ThencboColor.AddItem "Yellow", 0cboColor.AddItem "Blue", 1txtPrice.Text = "45000"
Elself cboVehicle.Text = "Ambition" ThencboColor .Addltem "Black", 0cboColor.Addltem "Silver", 1 txtPrice.Text = "48000"
Else: cboVehicle.Text = "Ambition"
cboColor.Addltem "Metallic", 0
cboColor.Addltem "Black", 1
txtPrice.Text = "52000"
End IfcboColor.Text = Clear
End Sub
Private Sub optHDFC_Click()
txtrate.Text = "9.4 %" End Sub
Private Sub optICICI_Click()txtrate.Text = "9 %"
End Sub
Private SubtxtDPay_Validate (Cancel As Boolean)dp = CInt(txtDPay.Text) amt = CSng (txtPrice.Text) - dp
txtBalAmt.Text = CStr(amt)
If optICICI. Value = True Then
If opt12.Value = True Thenemi = ((amt * 9) / 100 + amt) / 12
Elself opt18.Value = True Thenemi = ((amt * 9) / 100 + (amt * 9) /100 / 2 + amt) / 18
Elself opt24.Value = True Thenemi = ((amt * 9) / 100 + (amt * 9) / 1000 * 2 + amt) / 24
End IftxtEMI. Text = emi
End IfIf optHDFC.Value = True Then
If opt12.Value = True Thenemi = ((amt * 9.4) / 100 + amt) / 12
ElseIf opt18.Value = True Thenemi = ((amt * 9.4) / 100 + (amt * 9.4) / 100 / 2 + amt) 18ElseIf opt24.Value = True Thenemi = ((amt * 9.4) / 100 + (amt * 9.4) / 1000 * 2 + amt) / 24End IftxtEMI.Text = emi
End If
End Sub