'make a form with a lable called 'lbToolTip'
'make it invisible; set the background and foreground color as you wish
'put a command.control called 'cmdButton'
Sub cmdButton_MouseMove(Button as Integer, shift as Integer, X as Single, Y as Single)
Call ShowToolTip("commandbutton", cmdButton)
End Sub
Sub ShowToolTip(tekst$, X as Control)
lbToolTip.Caption = tekst$
lbToolTip.Left = X.Left + (X.Width / 2)
lbToolTip.Top = X.Top + X.Height + 100
lbToolTip.Visible = True
End Sub
'for disaparance of the tooltip
Sub Form_MouseMove(Button as Integer, shift as Integer, X as Single, Y as Single)
If lbToolTip.Visible Then lbToolTip.Visible = False
End Sub
'if you want you can put the same line of code in other MouseMove events
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