'Inputs : rngSelection The range to send to a word document
'Outputs : Returns True on success.
Function WordSendRangeTo(rngSelection As Object, Optional sSaveToFile As String, Optional bShowWord As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Dim oWordApp As Object 'Early bound type = Word.Application
Dim oNewDoc As Object 'Early bound type = Word.Document
Dim oWordRange As Object 'Early bound type = Word.Range
Dim avVaules As Variant, vCell As Variant, sText As String
On Error GoTo ErrFailed
'Build up text to send to word document
avVaules = rngSelection.Value
For Each vCell In avVaules
sText = sText & vCell & " "
sText = Trim$(sText)
'Create word objects
Set oWordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set oNewDoc = oWordApp.Documents.Add
Set oWordRange = oNewDoc.Words(1)
'Send text to word document
With oWordRange
.Text = sText
On Error Resume Next
Set .Font = rngSelection.Font
End With
On Error GoTo ErrFailed
'Save Document
If Len(sSaveToFile) Then
oNewDoc.SaveAs sSaveToFile
End If
If bShowWord Then
'Show Word
oWordApp.Visible = True
oWordApp.WindowState = 1 'wdWindowStateMaximize
'Quit word
End If
WordSendRangeTo = True
GoTo ExitSub
'Error occurred
WordSendRangeTo = False
'De-reference objects
Set oWordApp = Nothing
Set oNewDoc = Nothing
Set oWordRange = Nothing
End Function
'Demonstration routine
Sub Test()
WordSendRangeTo Selection, "C:\test.doc"
End Sub
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